Frequently Ask Question
Common problems faced by corporate email users
Efficiency and Productivity Issues
- Large quantity of spam or junk emails
- Missing emails for unknown reason
- Late delivery and receipt of emails
- Ineffective mail filtering mechanism
- Cannot send large attachments
- Virus infected emails
- Email account being blacklisted
- Frequent downtime
- No privacy and confidentiality in cloud and shared services
- Cloud Email is just too expensive for hundreds of accounts
Is Dedicated email server right for you?
Your organization may require a Dedicated email server under the following circumstances:
- You are depending on the email for your business
- You have a lot of email data (large email and attachments)
- You want maximum security, flexibility and reliability
- You do not want to share your email services with others
- You need Email Archiving for compliance, discovery, legal reference.
- You require special backups via rsync
- You want copies of emails for mirroring in locations and for multiple devices
EmailServerProvider.com Dedicated email server services provide
Each Dedicated Email Server client receives a package customized to their requirements. All of the features listed here are available, but not necessarily required. If you have additional requirements, we will try our best to accommodate.
No explicit limits on number of users or disk space that you can use, subject to what your server(s) can handle.
No explicit limits on number of users or disk space that you can use, subject to what your server(s) can handle.
- A Complete Feature Set: You may receive all of the standard email hosting features of our shared email services, including IMAP, POP3, SMTP, WebMail, Email Aliases, Email Forwarding, Auto Responders, Address Books, Security, and much more.
- Complete IT Outsourcing: Our custom email hosting and secure webmail software will be installed onto your dedicated servers. We will manage the administration, security, backups, upgrades, and all aspects of these servers and the software used on them. You do not need to have a technical staff on hand to manage your organization’s email.
- Security: For the security conscious organization, we offer Secure SMTP, Secure IMAP, Secure POP3, Secure WebMail and other features to ensure the integrity and privacy of your email. All servers are secured by firewalls and access is restricted to essential support personnel.
- Comprehensive Spam and Virus Filtering: Our services include our web-configurable anti-Spam and anti-Virus filtering services.
- Email Archiving: is included in our Gold and Silver packages for your peace of mind and future reference.
Responsive Support
Pro-active monitoring:
- We will monitor your email server(s) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our experienced technicians will automatically fix any problems that occurred.
- For standard support questions and concerns, our support staff is available via email, phone, fax, text, remote control, chat
- For emergencies, you can contact us via our cell phone, land line number 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We pride ourselves on our customer relations.
- We provide detailed help and solutions for the use of our email hosting services and software to your technical staff and your users.